Salmen Scout Reservation (Camp V-bar) 27585 V-bar Road, Perkinston, MS 39573 Camp Phone: (228) 255-7336 General Camp Information Guidebook | | Driving to / from Camp “The Risk Zone” is a state of physical and mental fatigue that is a major cause of highway crash fatalities. As a leader it is your challenge to do all that you can to keep Scouts safe, both at Camp and while traveling to and from Salmen Scout Reservation. Take the Driver’s Pledge and get a good night’s sleep the night before you come to Camp and on your last night at Camp. The Driver’s Pledge is a commitment to plan ahead and avoid killer fatigue. Camp V-Bar Driver’s Pledge I will Not Drive when I Feel Fatigued. I realize that when I am fatigued, I process information slower and less accurately, and this impairs my ability to react in time to avoid accidents. I will Get a Good Night's Sleep before I drive to camp – and my last night at camp. I will Make Travel Plans that take into account my personal biological clock and I will only drive while alert. | | Telephone and Mail Public Telephone There is a designated public telephone at camp for use by the Troop’s leadership. Scouts must clear any personal use of the camp phone with Troop’s leadership and must be accompanied by an adult when using the camp phone. The public phone is located just outside the entrance to the Administration Building. Parents are encouraged to purchase disposable Long Distance Cards prior to their arrival for their sons to use while in camp. Incoming calls for Scouts will be accepted on the business phone, and a message will be relayed to the Troop Leader. The call back will be on the public telephone. The business/emergency phone CANNOT BE TIED UP FOR PERSONAL PHONE CALLS. Cell Phones In an age of technology, cell phones and smart phones are a common tool to use in everyday life. While camp is an experience best enjoyed without the distractions of technology, Camp V-Bar recognizes that their use is more common than ever. Photographs and videos can be taken on these phones, as well as a number of outdoor apps that are available. Mailing Address If a phone is used, please ensure that it is being utilized in a way that enhances the Scouting experience, and does not detract from the adventure of camp. Telephone call by campers is discouraged, so that inadvertent phone calls to home do not prompt surprise visits from parents during the week. Scoutmasters can and should regulate all phone calls to home in order to avoid home sickness. Camp V-Bar DOES NOT have Wi-Fi or internet access for Scouts. Scout’s Name and Troop Number Salmen Scout Reservation 27585 V-Bar Road Perkinston, MS 39573 | Camp Amenities Camp V-Bar has many amenities to enhance the Scouting experience. And we continue to improve based on your feedback. Wi-Fi for adult leaders was completed in 2016. 2017 brought both a new campsite (Tunica – across from New Chickasaw) and new latrine facilities in Tunica, Sioux, Chickasaw and Family Camping. Wood Badge course S1-214-18 constructed a GaGa Ball Pit behind the Valero Administration building. This popular game, similar to Dodge Ball, has been a hit with the youth since it was put in place. |  | Dining Hall You will love our air-conditioned dining hall that is equipped with a professional grade kitchen! The Camp Staff and Scouts will participate in an active experience when entering the Dining Hall, filled with Scout Spirit. Each Troop will eat at assigned tables, and will furnish a table waiter for each table to assist before, during, and after the meal. There is a ratio of 1 waiter per every 8 individuals. The table waiter should report to the Dining Hall 15 minutes prior to each meal (except for Lunch, instruction will be given while at camp). It is the responsibility of the table waiter to: (1) set his table, (2) refill drink pitchers during the meal, (3) wipe down tables, and (4) sweep the area. It is important for unit leaders to assist the Camp Staff by not allowing their Scouts to leave the Dining Hall until dismissed by the Dining Hall Steward. The Dining Hall Steward will dismiss the table waiters when they have completed their duties. Scout leaders are expected to spread this responsibility among all boys attending Camp. It is a suggestion that your troop’s first table waiter be an experienced Scout, to demonstrate the proper methods to your Scouts. If your Scouts would like certain staff members to eat with them at morning and evening meals, they can pick up that staff members totem on the way to the Dining Hall. Scouts are required to be in Field Uniform for the evening meals. We serve only water, not sugary drinks, at lunch to help keep Scouts hydrated. Dietary Needs The Dining Hall Staff serves well-balanced meals meeting daily dietary nutrition needs. If you have special medical or religious dietary needs, the Dining Hall Staff can accommodate your requests. We ask that you address those needs with the Camp Director by the Early Bird Deadline. Birthdays Do you have a Scout or an adult leader that will be celebrating their birthday while at Camp V-Bar? Please let the Camp Clerk know upon check-in. We LOVE to celebrate birthdays at Camp V-Bar! | A Scout is Reverent S2R Grace We Thank Thee Lord For all that’s Good; For Food, For Life, For Brotherhood; For Friends, and Family, Near and Far; And for the Fellowship of S2R Amen | Grace Every morning and evening at the Flag Ceremony, the Camp Chaplain will lead the camp in the Salmen Grace. The S2R Grace is carved in wood on the Administration building, for you to read. It is our hope that you will all learn the S2R grace for use at your own camping trips. | Trading Post Camp V-Bar maintains a well-stocked Trading Post and Concession Stand to serve you in making your stay more enjoyable. Daily hours will be posted – when the Porch Light is on, the Trading Post is open. Scouts will need spending money to purchase items at the Trading Post. Please send with your Scouts 25¢’s, $1’s, and $5’s for the Trading Post. | Evening Activities This year we will continue to host an array of evening and free time activities. The evening (after dinner) programs change every year in order to provide a new and exciting experience for each Scout. Order of the Arrow The Order of the Arrow usually holds a night function for troop elections and other enjoyable activities. The OA also hosts Ice Cream socials; open to everyone including non-OA members. Listen for details during morning assembly at camp! | Merit Badge and Advancement Paperwork On departure day from resident camps (Summer, Thanksgiving and Winter camps), unit leaders should pick up the merit badge results and other completion materials at the Valero Administration Building. Leaders are responsible for checking their materials and making certain that they have completion information for each Scout for each course in which they were enrolled. This information will show the requirements that the Scout completed during the week. Courses will be shown “COMPLETE” if the Scout completed all merit badge requirements or “PARTIAL” if there are requirements that were not completed. It is the Scoutmasters responsibility to sign for a Scouts completion of any requirements completed prior to camp. An example of this would be the requirement for the Camping merit badge that the Scout show experience by completing 20 days and nights of camping. As this obviously cannot be done during a single week of camp, the Scoutmaster is responsible for marking the completion status of the requirement for troop records. | Function of the Troop and Patrol Method Camp V-Bar strongly encourages the use of the Troop and Patrol method while at camp. It will be the duty of the Senior Patrol Leader to attend the daily Senior Patrol Meetings and keep the Troop informed on what is happening around camp. The Senior Patrol Leader is encouraged to conduct PLC meetings. If the Troop's elected SPL is not at camp, the Troop should elect or appoint a Senior Patrol Leader to act in his place for the week. The camp experience will bring Patrols together, especially for first-year Scouts. Units are encouraged to bring Troop and Patrol flags with them to Camp. | Adult Programs At Camp V-Bar, it is important to the Staff that Scout Leaders have as many opportunities to have fun, and grow, as the Scouts do in Camp. That’s why the Adult Programs were developed. The Camp Commissioner will give leadership to this weeklong program and we hope you will take advantage of the fun. We offer a wide variety of adult opportunities including many basic adult leader certifications and training, cobbler and chili cook-offs, and adult leader shoot–off competitions. Leaders are welcome to participate in all evening programs. We will also have adult C.O.P.E. and Climbing scheduled during the week. Schedules of these programs will be available at the Camp office in your personalized In Camp Adult Leader Guide. Cobbler and Chili Cook-offs – see if you can impress our panel of highly experienced food critics (hungry staff!) as culinary cobbler creators or as champion chili chefs. You will need to bring your own materials and ingredients, and be prepared to cook your cobbler or chili in your campsite. Judging for both cook-offs will take place on the porch of the Dining Hall. ScoutMaster / Assistant ScoutMaster Training: as an adult leader in the Boy Scouts of America, you have the privilege of making a positive difference in the lives of the youth members you serve. To serve effectively, you must be trained. The youth members of the BSA deserve a trained leader and there is no substitute for proper training. The programs of the BSA are exciting, challenging and often technical. The information needed to properly deliver these programs to our youth members is not intuitive. Instead, it requires proper training. Time & location to be provided when you arrive at camp. | Arrival Schedule GATES OPEN AT 1:00pm to welcome your Troop to the Southeast Louisiana Council’s shining star, Camp V-Bar! Official Check-in time is between 1:00pm and 2:00pm. It is imperative that these times be observed to facilitate the proper orientation and handling for your unit. Troops will not be allowed to enter campsite before 1:00pm. We appreciate your observance of this policy. Scout leader reports to the Camp Administration Office to check-in the Troop. At the Administration Office the Troop Leader should “Be Prepared” to: - Turn in FINAL CAMP TROOP ATTENDANCE ROSTER.
- Review and revise the Merit Badge Schedule Request.
- Settle any unpaid registration fees and pay for special program fees.
The Camp Health Officer will receive Scout medication and dispensing information. All prescription medications except for life saving medications such as inhalers and EPI Pens must be turned in. A Scout not having a Health Form will not be permitted to engage in physical activities, including swimming, until the Health Form is secured. No provisions are made for medical exams to be administered at camp. | Staff Camp V-Bar We Need Your Scouts! On Camp V-Bar Staff Dear Scoutmasters, The Camp V-bar staff is committed to providing quality merit badge instruction and exciting evening programs in order to give your Scouts an experience that will last a lifetime. Working at Salmen Scout Reservation has been one of the most fulfilling and exciting experiences of my life. Staff members learn the value of teamwork, and dedication while honing their Scouting skills, leadership and teamwork skill, and making lifetime friends. These are skills I dedicate my life to and expect nothing less from my staff. If your Scouts join our staff, they will become role models for hundreds of youth and make a valuable impression on the lives of others. If there are Scouts in your troop who you feel are the best of the best, encourage them to join one of the greatest camp staffs in the country. We have a passion for Camp V-bar and we want to see it grow and become even greater as the years progress. In order to do this, we need new staff members with innovative ideas who are willing to work hard to continue the tradition of making Camp V-Bar the great camp that it is. We want your best Scouts. Have them sign up today! First we MUST have them submit their resume to the Camp Staff Advisor, Tracy Jones. The resumes can be emailed to juan.prado@scouting.org. If interested Scouts do not have a resume they can download a sample resume from the council website. Click Here for Sample Resume Yours in Scouting, Your Camp V-Bar Staff | Download copy of the General Information for Camp Guidebook | |