Endowment/Planned Giving
Tax Leveraged Gifts Provide Win-Win Results!
Last year more than $150 Billion was donated to U.S. non-profit corporations, and more than 80% came from individuals. Why are so many giving so much? Many of these gifts are the result of financial plans which utilize tax leveraged gifts to provide significant benefits for the donor as well as the non-profit. By using one of these plans donors are able to:
Redirect tax dollars from the government to Southeast Louisiana Council or other organizations.
Increase current and retirement income and retain control of income producing assets.
Provide substantial benefits to Southeast Louisiana Council or non-profits when income is no longer needed.
We are prepared to help you evaluate the use of a tax leveraged gift to Southeast Louisiana Council in your financial plan. Please review the information below and contact the Southeast Louisiana Council Finance Director at 504-889-0388 for an appointment to discuss planned giving!
In an effort to encourage support for the endowment trust fund, Southeast Louisiana Council, Boy Scouts of America, has established the Scouting Heritage Society. The objective of the Scouting Heritage Society is to encourage men and women who believe in Scouting to invest in its future.
What is a James E. West Fellowship Award?
The James E. West Fellowship Award is a recognition presented by the Southeast Louisiana Council for individuals who contribute $1,000 or more in cash or securities to the Southeast Louisiana Council Endowment fund. This contribution is in addition to, and should not diminish or replace, the donor's annual gift to the Friends of Scouting Campaign.
Who was James E. West?
James E. West was appointed to the position of Chief Scout Executive in 1910 by the founding leadership of Scouting in America. West worked with Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Daniel Carter Beard, Ernest T. Seton, and many interested community leaders to give direction to the infant program of Boy Scouts of America. On January 2, 1911, West and others formed the National Council, B.S.A. Under his leadership over the next 33 years, Scouting grew and matured into the program we recognize and enjoy today.
Who can Become a James E. West Fellow?
Organizations or individuals may contribute an award in honor of someone -- an Eagle Scout, a Silver Beaver recipient, Council, District or unit Scouter, or in memory of a departed loved one. There can be no finer honor paid to a Scouter than to be named a James E. West Fellow, indicating that the nominee is in the same spirit and dedication to Scouting as was James E. West.
How is the James E. West Fellowship Recognized?
The James E. West Fellowship Award is an attractive 8 X 10 inch certificate, personalized with the honorees name, date of gift and presented in a bound leather presentation folder. In addition, there will be a distinctive lapel pin and an embroidered square knot.
Click here to complete the James E. West application online.
The 1910 Society
The 1910 Society exists as a special recognition program, established to help ensure that Southeast Louisiana Council endowment funds will have sufficient assets at work in the years ahead.
For details and form Click Here