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SELA Commissioner
Centennial Quality Award FAQ
2007 Centennial Quality Awards FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
1. When will the unit award commitment forms be available to councils?
Unit award commitment forms for each council will be shipped in bulk in early fall prior to the implementation meetings to discuss with units, district, and council volunteers. They are also available to download from the national Web site - www.scouting.org.
2. How does a unit become eligible for the Centennial Quality Award?
Unit leadership will meet with their assigned commissioner or a district level volunteer to review the unit's program and establish program objectives. This must be done prior to February 15, 2007. It is no longer a part of the rechartering process.
3. When will units be able to qualify to earn the award?
When all requirements are completed beginning no earlier than October 31st, but no later than the end of the year (example, for 2007, you would begin to qualify after October 31st, but no later than December 31, 2007).
4. How will the new criteria for the award be distributed and explained to all councils, districts, and unit leadership?
The new program was shared at Top Hands in August with Scout executives. A supply of implementation packets were shipped to each council August 22nd to share with council, district and unit level volunteers in September and October 2006. We are counting on Scout executives to ensure the implementation in their councils. It has also been shared through The Commissioner Newsletter sent to all council commissioners this fall. The program details include: reasons for updating the current quality awards program, new commitment forms for units-districts-councils, training agendas, and unit action planning meeting support.
5. Are there other ways to learn about the new Centennial Quality Awards program?
The new program explanation can be found on the www.scouting.org Web site, on the commissioners Web site under www.scouting.org/commissioners, and on ScoutNET under BSA Info under Leadership Support Service under "Centennial Quality Award program". You will be able to download the details of the program and the unit, district, and council award commitment forms from the Web.
There will be some additional information available on the BSA Info site for professionals related to implementation of the awards program as the year progresses.
6. When will the recognition items be available?
All recognition items will be available starting in August 2007. Unit ribbons will be shipped to councils in bulk by August 2007. Individual uniform emblems, individual pins, and unit award plaques for those who qualify will be available to order from supply beginning in August 2007. (Remember a unit qualifies for the award after October 31, 2007.)
7. Does a council/district/unit have to meet all of the new award requirements to earn the new Centennial Quality award?
they do have to qualify for all requirements in order to achieve the award.
8. On the unit commitment form, are the references to participation in product sales, conducting a unit FOS presentation and the number of unit commissioner visits required to qualify for the award?
It is on the unit commitment form for informational and encouragement purposes. Each of these areas will help provide a better quality program experience for a unit. The unit's answer will not impact the earning of the award.
9. How does a December 2006 rechartering unit get recognized for the Quality Unit award?
The new Centennial Quality Awards program is completed on a calendar, not a charter year. In moving from the current award to the new one, it is suggested councils recognize their units who recharter this December with a special local council recognition unit ribbon. See question "15" that references the availability of a "special 2007 Quality Unit" emblem.
10. Can I obtain an electronic version of the Centennial Quality award logo to use in my newsletter?
The logos are located on a site that is accessible to councils only.
11. Have the criteria for Learning for Life districts, councils, Explorer posts and Learning for Life groups changed?
No. They will continue to qualify for the National Distinguished Learning for Life Award for districts and councils. Explorer posts will qualify for the "Exploring Excellence Award" and school-based groups will qualify for the "Learning for Life National Accreditation Award".
12. How do you use the additional goals section at the bottom of the interpretation form to impact qualifying for the award?
The additional goals are key areas that may need attention to improve a unit, district, or council program. They can be used on a case by case basis to measure the success as a part of the award requirements. Setting additional goals and their achievement will be determined by the volunteer and professional leadership at each level.
13. What qualifies as an outdoor or activity per month?
Each unit establishes a goal at the beginning of the year on the number of outdoor events or other activities. (Pack meetings can count as one activity per month. Packs are also encouraged to conduct or attend outdoor camping events periodically during the year.) Crews/Ships/Troops/Teams do not count their regular meetings and patrol meetings as outdoor events or activities.
14. How is recruitment of new adults defined?
Commitment and involvement by more registered adults is the overall goal. The training provided to them is critical in engaging them in better support of the program. Each unit should provide an annual orientation for all parents. As a part of the National Parent Initiative, suggested "specific tasks" will be developed to involve more parents and adults in the program.
15. How do units rechartering in December 2006 receive recognition for their accomplishments during their previous recharter year (for example, December 2005 through December 2006)?
Units rechartering in December 2006 may be recognized for what they accomplished the previous twelve months with a special "2007 Quality Unit" recognition emblem. The unit will complete the "Past Charter Year" column only of the "2006 Quality Unit" form and turn in at the time of rechartering. Units may purchase emblems only from the Supply Group beginning in December 2006. There will be no pins, plaques, or unit ribbons. The new emblems can be ordered by using catalog numbers: No. 18014 for "2007 Quality Unit" Emblem and No. 18015 for "2007 100% Boys' Life Quality Unit" Emblem - Both Retail price @ $ .79 each.
In 2007, the new Centennial Quality Unit Award emblems, pins, plaques, and ribbons will be available for all qualifying units.
Special Note:
Councils needing additional forms can order them from Bin Resources at the Supply Group or download from BSA Info under the Program Group, then under Leadership Support Service.
16. When are the signed commitment forms due from units, districts, and councils?
All units should complete their commitment forms with the support of their commissioner and turn in to the council by February 15, 2007.
All districts should complete their commitment forms with the support of their Key 3, signed by the council and district Key 3s and turn in to the council by February 28, 2007.
All councils should complete their commitment forms with the support of their Area Leadership, signed by the area and the council leadership and turn in to the region by March 15, 2007.
17. When a unit completes their commitments for the new 2007 Centennial Quality Unit award next October, how do they submit their qualification to the district/council?
A special "completion form" will be available by next summer to all councils and districts for the units to complete at the time of the district's visit to establish and review their accomplishments for the award. The form will include order information on how to order the unit ribbon, lapel pin, unit plaque, and emblems for youth and adult uniforms. These forms will be shipped in bulk to the councils by the summer, along with a supply of ribbons to recognize the units who qualify. The form will also be available on line to print out for easy access.
The Boy Scouts of